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About Us
Attention Deficit Marketing Disorder (or ADMD) is a marketing newsletter that talks about loss, grief, fear, joy, and love. We still cover practical issues in marketing and content work, but we approach them like art. To us, that means thinking about things that we're often afraid to face head on.
ADMD has covered topics like love, confidence, expectations of professionalism, fear and uncertainty, rejection, isolation, creativity, and the internet’s uncertain future. And yes, this IS still a marketing newsletter.
It’s a fun ride :)
ADMD is created by Mariya Delano, founder of Kalyna Marketing. You can learn more about this newsletter and find some of our best issues on our About page.
Our Audience
ADMD is currently followed by 250 subscribers and we get between 1,000 - 3,000 monthly views. Our open rate is currently around 47.06%.
Our audience is made up of:
Marketers and content specialists
B2B tech professionals (founders, executives, product, UX, and developers)
Content creators a…